Wow! Inverted Coma is on Fly FM’s campur chart last night!
These are serious fun fun guys. I got a copy of Miracles last month, IMHO it’s really not bad, totally can listen on a few repeats without gettting bored!
Listen to their single titled ‘Miracles’ here, Don’t worry don’t have to wait long for their song because they debut at#10. Go and vote for these guys!!
My other opinion, Miracles is way nicer than Yuna on #2, sorry girl ;D
I’ve been following them for a while now.. literally. so wat’s going on behind the scene?
The Band’s ‘unofficial’ shot I did during their recent photoshoot.. Left2Right Jason, David 'kinda Mawi look-a-like’, Ray at the back, Jules ‘the horny Bassist’ – the drummer was not present.
The official photographer..
I was on da scene to wreck some havoc, next to me is David’s wax figure.. not ;D
Me and the horny bassist..
Super kawaii make-up artist touching up on Jason. her name kinda rhymes with my favorite noodle, cute!
Some disagreement on the set.. yeowch!
‘The making..’
‘Earlier picture, Julian recording bass track in Studio21..’
Jules with his bass..
Super awesome stuff..
Pop Shuvit's JD looking on.. he’s helping out with I.C.’s new track recording..